zondag 20 november 2016

Personal: Weekly thoughts // November


Hello everyone!

I hope you all had a very good week and I hope you are ready to read a blogpost that is kind of all over the place.

I wasn't sure what I wanted to write about for today's post but I've decided to a quite personal post because after all, this is a little space on the internet where I can write about whatever I want. My blog is also for me personally a really nice way to look back on certain moments/mindsets in my life.

Let's get into some of my thoughts that were running through my head this week!

This week wasn't the easiest of weeks. I thought a lot about the future ( this isn't always a great thing to do as you might all know ). I thought about what I actually want to do with my life, what I want to do as a job and where I would like to spend (the rest of) my life.

I am doing a teacher training course at the moment, but I am not sure whether I want to be continue this course for the full 4 years because I have other aspirations that don't really go well together with this course. (Vague I know).

We have to make such important life choices ( what do we want to do as a job for a very long time?) at such a young age, and for must of us it is very hard, and we can make the wrong choice. For me personally I don't think I've made a bad choice as such, but I'm not sure I am ready for this course yet as I'm still very young. I'd really like to learn more and get more experiences first.

For the 2 to 3 people reading this post and wondering what I plan on doing at this moment in time, I'm going to try my hardest to pass all my exams, this will enable me to finish this first year, and go on to do some things I really want to do.

I am aware of how unorganized and probably very vague this post was. It was just nice for me to write some of my thoughts down :)
Please feel free to leave any comments regarding this subject down below!

Thank you very much for reading!


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